Capital Office Business Software

Business Software You Won’t Outgrow

© 1985-2024 CAPITAL Office Business Software
FEATURES Long Product Codes 10-25 character stock codes. 10 Million Limit Up to 10,000,000 stock records per company. Unlimited Descriptions Up to 40 character descriptions per line with no practical limit on number of lines. User Defined Screen Re-arrange the ordering of existing fields, remove unwanted fields and add user defined fields. Up to 6 pages of stock related information may be retained per record. Formulas and scripts can be placed ‘behind’ fields to permit special calculations to be performed. Rename Fields All field names may be renamed. For example, ‘Product code’ can become ‘Part Number’, etc. Copy Record Copy details of an existing record into a new record during stock entry by pressing Shift & Add. Nominate which fields to copy and which to re-type. Track Stock Quantities Maintains stock on hand, stock on order, stock carried but allocated or reserved, stock consigned, stock on back order, stock on back order but held at customer request, maximum and minimum recommended quantity levels and floor stock level. Unlimited Notes Stock items may have note/product information with no practical size limit. Multiple Suppliers Stock archives can be used to track pricing for multiple suppliers. List of matching entries from multiple archive/price list files automatically presented. Warranties Specify product warranty periods from date of sale. Stocktakes Import data from spreadsheets or bar code readers. Manage multiple stocktakes simultaneously. Snapshot management allows users to begin invoicing and receiving goods as soon as the physical count is complete. Global Price Update Change pricing by supplier code, stock group, ‘slow moving’ items and other criteria. Pricing adjustment is formula based, i.e., cost plus 5%, current list less 10%, etc. Update rules can also be programmed. Unlimited Measures Cost & price in different dimension units. E.g., cost or sell price by square metre, cubic metre, etc., yet hold in inventory by piece.

Powerful, Flexible

The stock control screen is user configurable so extra information can be added or non-applicable information removed. Up to six screens of stock information can be added and searched on.

Unique Tracing & Tracking

Stock control also supports Unique Stock Tracing, the ability to maintain serial/batch numbers, sizes, colours, styles, and up to 250 user definable ‘extended’ properties. Unique Stock Tracing allows CAPITAL to handle tracking challenges such as stock consigned from suppliers, product versions/revisions, multiple bin locations, variations in purchase prices from suppliers and many other applications. CAPITAL can automatically create purchase orders based on low stock levels, customer orders, sales history (performance) and back orders. Lead times and supplier minimum order quantities are also considered. In organisations where ordering is a major task, up to 90 per cent of the manual work can be eliminated.

Stock Kits

Stock kits allow you to assemble an unlimited number of components that can be combined in a single stock item, then sold or ordered as required. To use an example, a company distributing chemicals might purchase in thousands of litres, then re-package and sell in 50 litre, 5 litre and 1 litre containers. Stock levels can be managed effortlessly both for the original quantity of chemical and the supplies of containers. Kits can also be ‘exploded’ directly onto transactions, providing an instant way to input a set of product codes. They can also be used to create an unlimited number of short-cut codes and cross-references to other products. For example, a 20 character part number could be given a two or three digit short reference. When the short reference is entered, the full product code and its details appear. Kits may also be embedded within other kits and there is no limit to the number of levels of embedding you can create.

Assembly Management

Many firms involved in manufacturing, engineering and repair, often need to modify or add value to stock they already own, or perhaps assemble components into a new product, or strip or disassemble a product into its component parts. When serial, batch or engine numbers are involved, the task can be even more complex to manage. The Assembler is designed to take the hard work out of these processes. Assembly tasks can also be customer order driven, hence automatically generated.

Stock Archives

If your organisation deals with large price lists, spare parts catalogues or handles essentially the same product under different part codes, then CAPITAL's cross-referencing and computerised ‘microfiche’ features will prove essential. If your supplier has a price list data file, CAPITAL can either merge it into your existing inventory, or keep it separate from your stock file but have it readily available for searching from within stock control. Import price lists in a variety of formats (ASCII, CSV, Excel, dBASE, etc.) You can also place old or rarely needed stock in archives. Performance is not affected when printing reports or automatically generating purchase orders, etc., as huge data files are managed separately.

Stock Forecasting

Inventory requirements forecasting based on sales history (average turn-over), current stock levels, back orders, deliveries pending, lead time and minimum supplier order units. Let the system calculate your reorder levels for you.

Warehouse Management

Fully integrated with CAPITAL's Warehouse Management System.


Included support for major bar code formats. Automatically matches the product code or bar code. Portable bar code readers can scan bar codes and serial numbers simultaneously. Multiple bar codes per product.

Stock Control

GST calculations Non diminishing stock Dozens of standard stock reports Selective label printing Attach special instructions, notes, etc. to individual items Hold Stock Lock editing by individual item’s security level ABC stock analysis Customer/supplier special pricing Lead times & customer ETA’s Global bulk item delete tool Manage warranties
Minimum supplier order units Full item movement history Code & keyword searching Multi-location Weight & volume Up to 4 decimals per item Sell in multiple currencies Stock count adjustment tool with audit control Use customer or supplier preferred product codes Suggest similar or complementary items