HIGHLIGHTS Fully integrated with CAPITAL Sales Force Manager - a powerful CRM and business relationship manager. Fully integrated with CAPITAL Warehouse Manager - an advanced stock and warehousing solution. Available in 5+, 10+ and 15-100+ editions to match your budget. Financial and business activity graphical dashboards. Powerful visual form and report design tool: CAPITAL Visual Forms Builder. Up to 10 different transaction types such as invoices, quotes, purchase orders, sales orders, return authorisations, stock transfers, etc. Visual Screen Editor tool provides a drag and drop interface for changing your master screen presentation and database contents. I.e., add custom fields or remove unwanted fields. Bulk email, fax or print remittances and statements or individually email orders and quotes. Talks to Microsoft Office: reads and natively writes Excel spreadsheets. Synchronises customers, suppliers, tasks and calendar items with Outlook. SMS customers, suppliers, your technicians and other contacts. Google Maps integration. Creates and prints barcodes without additional hardware or software. Customisable menu system by user. Powerful scripting language can seamlessly automate complex tasks. No close period procedures! You can continue to work in the prior year with the new financial year open. General ledger Customer accounts Supplier accounts Cash management Collections management Sales orders & back orders Quotations Multi-location stock control with ‘in transit’ stock transfers Purchase orders, stock returns and stock receipts Customer return authorities Service manager with job costing Drag & drop technician job scheduling Hire/rental manager Foreign currencies Shipment/landed costing Product assembly manager Manufacturing Tasks & reminders System calendar for reminders, appointments, quotes, scheduled jobs, etc. Asset manager Scheduled maintenance End to end serial and batch number tracking
Capital Office Business Software

Business Software You Won’t Outgrow

© 1985-2024 CAPITAL Office Business Software

Financials, Accounting & Business Management

CAPITAL Business Manager is an integrated Australian accounting and business management solution designed for small to mid sized companies. It has a strong focus on inventory control, warehouse management, distribution/wholesale, service management (such as field service with call scheduling), job costing, manufacturing (production/assembly) hire/rental, and assets with scheduled maintenance. It also incorporates a full range of financial management functions for business, such as cash manager, general ledger and GST reporting. Many systems sound great on paper but aren’t all that friendly or flexible once you put them to use. Does your current system let you open an existing quote, click to select 5 items and let you seamlessly paste those selections into another quote? Or in other words, was your existing system built by real world users or only by computer programmers?

My Work Day

A great place to start each morning in CAPITAL Business Manager is in the My Work Day window. My Work Day summarizes appointments, to-do list tasks, quotes requiring follow-up, unpaid customer or supplier invoices, the status of open service manager jobs, and has an overview of your workload. And if you’ve also installed CAPITAL Sales Force Manager, it tracks the status of open cases, leads, opportunities and contacts requiring follow- up. You can add or view transactions or activities, or ‘roll up’ those areas that don’t currently interest you, giving you more screen space to focus on what you’re working on.

Lots of Connections

A CAPITAL record such as a customer, supplier or job, connects automatically to their transaction activity, as well as notes, contacts and documents. For example, attach a credit application to a customer account or write a note with dynamic spell checking included. And entities such as customers and suppliers may have sub-entities such as sub accounts (for when the main entity is a head office) as well as sub-contacts, such as the contact details of the accountant, purchasing officer, managing director and so on. Contact groups (i.e., all ‘purchasing officers’) can also be selectively emailed in bulk, using the Send Wizard.


Made a mistake and need to edit an invoice before the goods are shipped? No problem. Don’t want John from the warehouse to be able to change an invoice? Easy. Or perhaps give Sue or Shane editing permission but only for transactions that are 24 hours old. The controls are in your hands.


CAPITAL software has been around for a really long time. Over 30 years in fact. So it’s had plenty of time to become really smart. Would you like to know what you last charged a customer for a product item you’re billing him right now, even though he doesn’t have a special price arrangement entered in the software? Or be reminded that product X (which is out of stock) is equivalent to product Y? (Which you do have in stock.) Or automatically convert an order into one or more purchase orders with the click of a button? Or produce a sophisticated product catalogue complete with product images? How about recording serial or batch numbers before the goods have arrived or after they’ve been invoiced or at any point in-between? Or how about producing a stock take for a random selection of your most important ‘A Class’ products? Or have the system forecast what stock items you’ll want next month? Or send a customer a statement with copies of all unpaid invoices included? Need multi-location, multi-shipping address, multi-department, multi-currency, multi-company handling? CAPITAL is just about ‘multi-everything.’

Workflow Automation

No system may be able to do everything you may want, so for when very specialised requirements are needed, CAPITAL Business Manager comes equipped with an internal scripting engine called CBS, short for ‘CAPITAL Business Script’. Do you have a complex credit control procedure? For example, the credit limit might be a little more flexible if your customer has no overdue transactions? Or you need to upload invoices to specialised software across the web or selectively restrict which customers may purchase which items? It can all be done with CBS. And if you’re not technically orientated - and most users aren’t - get one of our CAPITAL consultants to write the CBS script for you. CBS lets you combine all the benefits of off- the-shelf software with upgrade compliant custom solutions.