Capital Office Business Software

Business Software You Won’t Outgrow

© 1985-2024 CAPITAL Office Business Software
Is there a mandatory annual renewal fee after I purchase a licence? No, your licence is a one off purchase. You may upgrade at any time as time goes by or take up an optional annual updates or support plan. What operating platforms does CAPITAL run on? CAPITAL applications run on all Windows platforms starting with Windows 7 and up. (Note: CAPITAL applications do not run on Windows RT.)

How much does CAPITAL cost?

That depends on the edition you purchase, the number of additional add-on components you may wish to add and the number of users who require access. To find out more click here.

Can I download a demonstration?

You can download a demonstration version by clicking here, or you can contact us to arrange for an on-line or on-site demonstration (subject to your physical location.)

Why should I choose CAPITAL?

For information on why CAPITAL could be a good choice for you click here.

How small can I be before I can make good use of CAPITAL?

We don’t sell single user versions of our software. Our smallest systems are typically targeted at 3 users or more. Our smallest licence is 5 users.

What is the maximum number of users CAPITAL supports?

This depends on the requirements of your business and the type of hardware platform you will be running. It is not unusual for some of our clients to have 100 or more staff member connections running on our powerful SAP Advantage SQL database server back end.

Can I move up to a more powerful edition later without purchasing a new licence?

That depends on the age of the licence. If you decide to move up an edition within 6 months there is no charge for doing so except for the price difference. Further discounts are available for up to 2 years after your initial purchase.

If I upgrade from a very old version will all my data come across?

In general 99-100% of your data should move across smoothly during the installation process regardless of the age of your licence.

What type of hardware do I need to run CAPITAL applications?

For information on recommended hardware requirements click here.

How can I tell which edition of CAPITAL is the best for my business and budget?

A feature comparison between editions of CAPITAL is available if you click here.