HIGHLIGHTS Full access to CAPITAL stock control system. The Hire Manager allows you to both hire and sell inventory items. User Defined Screens: hire agreements can be customised to suite your individual needs. Up to 6 screen pages of information relating to hire data can be created, altered and searched. Activity Manifest - List goods to be returned and/or hired out for a day or date range. Returns & Sales - Invoices may be selectively generated for returned goods only or sale items only. Hire Itemisation - Stock on hire may be itemised on invoices or displayed in summary form only. Invoice In Advance - Operators may invoice in advance for hired goods for a user specified number of days. Defaults to end of month. Serial & batch number aware. FEATURES Item Tracking Locates which items are on hire, for how long and to whom. Hire Agreements Name, address, account, start of hire, category, department, order number, reference, phone, special price or discount kept on file for each hire. Multi-Location Hire at one location and return to another. Stand Down Days Specify days where billing does not occur by individual hire. Unlimited Notes Attach unlimited user and date/time stamped notes. Documents Attach documents to individual hire agreements. Quotations Hires may be entered as quotes and converted to ‘on hire’ agreements. Close & Reopen Hires may be closed when finalised but reopened at any time. On-Screen Status List amount invoiced for each hire, client's credit limit, value on hire, last invoice details, balance owing, total yearly rentals billed, and last payment received details. Transfer Quote/Sales Order Sales orders and quotes may be transferred into hire agreements.
Capital Office Business Software

Business Software You Won’t Outgrow

© 1985-2024 CAPITAL Office Business Software

Hire & Rental

Hire Manager has been designed to track hire, rental and sale stock for your customers. It can be essential when you wish to maintain historical information on hired stock and equipment, locate hire account details, correctly track and price hired goods, and perform repeat billings. Hire Manager completely integrates into CAPITAL's accounting and business management system, including stock control and serial number tracking. Use either the simple Express Billing system to generate invoices or the more powerful Hire Plan system. You may create an unlimited number of Hire Plans that bill over different time periods, and that can be customer, customer category, price group or department specific.
Hire Billing Plans Customisable Billing Plans let you bill by -  •	Hour  •	Half Day •	Day •	Week •	Quarter •	Annually •	Fixed •	Month •	User Defined (scripted)


Stock Marking Operators may specify which items are to be included in any particular invoice ‘run’. Non Hireable Items Prevent selected items from hire and specify them as ‘sale only’. Customer Specific Pricing Set-up customer specific rates or hire charges by individual customer. Flat Rate Hire Invoice for an agreed amount irrespective of period held on hire. Weekends & Holidays Specify which days of the week are billable on any specific ‘rental plan’ and globally exclude public holidays that you specify. Invoice Link Pop-up list of all invoices relating to a specific hire with ‘drill-down’ to inspect invoice details. Unpaid Warnings Accounts with unpaid hire jobs will generate operator warning message. Hire Plan Recharges Automatic recalculation of charges if goods are returned early (which may cause a different hire rate to be applied.) Global Invoicing Operators may bill the current hire, all selected (marked) hires, all open hires, a particular customer category or all returned goods. ‘Normal’ Sales Normal sale items may be included on hire jobs and included on the same invoice.


User Defined Forms Hire job cards can be customised to display and print information relevant to each specific business. Form Layouts The lay-out/design of hire invoices may be different from regular or service invoices or may print to a different printer. Miscellaneous Charges Up to 10 charges, such as cleaning, delivery, etc., may be specified on jobs & transferred to invoices during billing. Export to Microsoft Office Job & job details can be loaded into most popular spreadsheets such as Excel & OpenOffice, databases such as Access and word processors such as Word. Integrated Email, Fax & SMS Email or fax invoices and agreements. Send SMS reminders.


Hire Jobs Report Activity Manifest Item Hire History Hire Item Profitability
Hire Item Due & Overdue Hire Item Utilisation Hire Item Bookings