FEATURES Customise Resize, rearrange, add or remove unwanted order columns. E.g., list price, reserve stock and cost columns can be added/removed as desired. Last Sell Price Include the customer’s last price on your order for quick reference. Or issue the new sell price based on last sell price automatically. Each user may have a unique input lay- out. Individual columns may be customised with unique calculations or data look-ups. Account Details Account summary page with current balances and graphical ageing status. Credit Limit Check Optional screen warning if order total will cause credit limits to be exceeded. Full Release Sales orders can be held until the entire order is fully allocated. Partial Release Sales orders may be partially released. GST Inclusive and exclusive tax automatically calculated. Custom Forms All forms such as order acknowledgements and pick lists can be edited using visual form designer. Barcodes Read or print barcodes. Any field that can be printed can be barcoded. Back & Forward Date Sales orders can be back or forward dated (security access permitting). Stock allocation/pick does not begin until specified fulfill date is reached. Multiple Delivery Addresses Multiple shipping and bill addresses are managed for each invoice and account. Consolidations Multiple invoices can be created from a single sales order and multiple orders consolidated within a single invoice. Copy Sales Orders Copy an existing sales order into a new sales order or selected parts of one or more orders, using 'tagging' feature. Quick Amends Amend orders directly inside the Back Order Control Centre without having to open original order. Selective Release Release items for a transaction, a single account, all accounts or for particular (marked) products only. Batch Printing Transactions can also be batch printed or re-printed by transaction number or date range as well as by selected accounts or categories. Or emailed to the customer when saved. Multiple Units of Measure Stock may be sold in different pack sizes, cartons, cases, etc. Sales Assistance Access note, reminder and sales or product history information while entering orders. Fast check what customer has currently on back order with duplicates warning. Add On The Fly New account and stock items may be created during order entry. Profits & Margins Profit margin or mark-up statistics (if security permits). Warn of profits below specified margins or unusually high margins for selected product groups. Multi-line Descriptions Product descriptions can be of any length. Code Short-cuts Automatic expansion of a single ‘short- cut’ code into multiple product entries for fast input. Quote/Order Transfer Load quotes or other orders into an existing sales order. Order Hold For partial sales such as lay-bys or advance purchasing plans or orders that have long lead times before delivery, back ordered stock can manually or automatically be placed on hold. Costing Update Invoices can be based on original (agreed) price and cost at the time of order, or re-costed based on current pricing. Cancellations All or part of a sales order can be cancelled or suspended at any time, even if partly delivered. Cancelled orders can be reinstated. Size/Colour/Style Invoice by size, colour, style or any combination of up to 250 unique properties per stock item. PICKLISTS The sorting of pick-lists may be customised. Examples of sorting combinations include: Invoice number Location Bin Stock group Supplier group Product bode Delivery area (for picked orders) Account Picking Kits Stock kits may be listed as regular items or as a series of components on pick lists. The kit an item belongs to or a summary of the kits on the pick, may be shown on the pick list. Kit expansion on pick lists may be set by individual kit. Clear Unpicked Orders Back orders not filled after picking can be bulk cleared for customers who don’t accept back orders. Consolidated Picks individual picks may be consolidated to faciliate shipping and dispatch.
Capital Office Business Software

Business Software You Won’t Outgrow

© 1985-2024 CAPITAL Office Business Software

Distribution & Wholesale

Sales orders and invoices can raise back orders which appear automatically in the Back Order Control Centre, a repository for managing the back order process in CAPITAL Business Manager. Here acknowledgements, picking lists, invoices, transfers, delivery dockets, purchase orders, consignment notes, shipping labels and other documents are produced. Orders can be held indefinitely, forward dated, allocated stock only on condition that the entire order can be shipped, selectively converted into invoices, and invoices can be viewed and edited before printing or emailing. Multiple sales orders can be consolidated onto a single invoice. Floor stock can be reserved to ensure that showroom merchandise isn't sold.

Back Order Control Centre

The sales order processing system is integrated with the Back Order Control Centre, so operators are advised if pending orders in the system are duplicated. Unfilled orders can be inspected, deleted or transferred into a new order during order entry. Customers who do not accept back orders can be reminded to re-order those items they did not previously receive.


CAPITAL's Back Order Control Centre also integrates with CAPITAL Warehouse Manager, an advanced order receiving and dispatch system for volume warehousing. At a glance operators can determine which back ordered items have been picked by warehouse staff using PC's, caddy based or mobile data collectors and barcode scanners.

Order Templates

Order templates allow you to associate selected items with a customer's account. Templates can automatically or optionally be loaded when a new sales order is raised for a customer. This can save time searching for and entering product codes for regular or common purchases. Templates are easy to maintain and multiple items can be added or removed from a template with the press of a few keys.

Power Search

Powerful search functionality allows operators to locate product items by product code, description, barcodes, the customer's code, the supplier’s code, key words, groups and user definable criteria. Description keyword searching is fast regardless of the size of the product list and items can be located by matching one or more words in any part of the first 40 characters of the product description.


Sales orders can be assigned automatically to delivery zones, based on the customer's delivery address or other characteristics of the sales order or product items being ordered. Once a delivery zone has been assigned to a series of items, a carrier can automatically be allocated, based on the zone. Carrier and delivery zone assignments can be edited an unlimited number of times before goods are included on delivery runs.


Check customer prices (including special pricing) for items on back order, as well as expected availability. Customer Price Check will list all undelivered purchase orders pending, all customer back orders that remain unfilled, and if possible, determine whether an item can reasonably be expected to be filled ex stock, or if not, when that sales order is likely to be filled, based on expected delivery dates and lead times, if that information is available.
Integrated - with stock, customer accounts, warehousing, purchasing, general ledger, etc. Invoice preview - add or edit transactions before release. Raises orders in multiple currencies. Serial & batch number aware. Generate purchase orders based on multiple unfilled back orders. Quick Order - generate one or more purchase orders from a selected sales order - instantly. Product swap - suggests alternate, replacement or complementary sale items. Rapid ‘Excel style’ data entry. View back orders grouped by items, orders, allocations or accounts. Link special instructions to specific product items. Add notes or special instructions to transactions.

Hightlights at a Glance

In conjunction with CAPITAL's Electronic Data Exchange component, sales order acknowledgements can be emailed/faxed or printed automatically to your customers, as soon as they are entered. Once sales orders are picked and ready to be shipped, notification of the sale order's status can be automatically sent. SMS notification is supported.

DIFOT at a Glance

Dispatched In-Full On-Time Analysis

The DIFOT analysis tool monitors the efficiency of your internal pick and dispatch processes. Performance charted graphically. Set dispatch targets by customer, zone, state and postcode. Analysis by customer and product. Export to Excel. Send performance reports to key customer accounts.

Stock Allocations

Stock may be allocated to sales orders automatically based on: Longest Waiting To Most Recent By Date Range By Transaction Number Range For a Product Code For Pending Sales Orders Only For Pending Invoices (with back orders) Only For Sales Orders Only Where Floor Stock Is Not Used Excluding Forward Dated Sales Orders
Excluding Orders On Hold Only Allocate (reserve stock) if Entire Order Can Be Allocated. Based on customisable criteria set-up by a consultant, the manufacturer or yourself (scripted)

Manual Allocations

Allocate available stock manually or override automatic allocations. Stock may be directed to other customers when necessary.