FEATURES Fully Integrated Shipment jobs updates stock control, supplier accounting and expense allocations in the general ledger. Multiple Suppliers Shipping costs and goods may be allocated to multiple suppliers. E.g., the overseas supplier, the freight forwarder & the local carrier. Multiple Purchase Orders Multiple purchase orders from your business software may be selected for costing or any partial combination of purchase orders. Weight & Volume Information may be adjusted during the cost assignment process. Flexible Costing Any shipment may be selectively costed using any combination of these methods: Proportion cost by price Proportion cost by weight Proportion cost by volume Selective proportioning by price, weight or volume. Proportion by quantity Manual input/assignment of cost (at any time). Stock Labels Stock labels (including or excluding bar codes) may be printed for goods taken into stock. 10 Cost Categories Stock items being costed may have their costs allocated to up to 10 user defined cost categories. Options include general, duty, shipping, insurance, fees, freight, etc. Expenses and purchases, however, may be allocated by different codes in the general ledger. Cost History A history of the freight on board, landed cost and allocation of shipping cost is maintained for each product during costing. Shipping/cost history may be viewed during cost allocation. Inventory Updates Automatic update of cost & selling prices based on pre-defined mark-ups or other calculations. Multi-Locations Costed goods may be transferred directly to a specific location if multi- location stock control is active. GST GST and other 'recoverable' taxes may be excluded from product cost calculations. Reporting The Special Costing Report lists items taken into stock, their related purchase order numbers, quantities, freight on board, assigned costs, total costs, last costs, new costs and variances based on last cost.
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Shipment Tracking & Costing

The importing & shipment costing system is designed to assist importers, exporters or those for whom shipping costs represent a significant portion of a stock item's total cost.
Multiple purchase orders can be consolidated onto a single costing 'job'. Currency conversions are handled automatically, and freight, shipping, local cartage, duty and other charges may be factored into your final inventory cost value. GST can be carried through the costing process onto supplier invoices, but is excluded from affecting your inventory cost value.

Cost History

A landed cost or local cost history is maintained, so you can easily compare the last shipment cost with the current cost. The costing 'job' is then allocated against one or more supplier invoices. Supplier account balances, shipping history, and inventory cost and stock levels are updated in the one procedure. A shipment costing report can be printed, as well as stock labels.

Shipment Tracking

Multiple shipments may be entered and tracked simultaneously. The status of each shipment may also be set, such as: staging, in-transit, landed, at customs, etc. Shipments may also be assigned shipment numbers, container numbers, vessel/craft information, port of shipment or arrival, the ETA on the arrival date, and the agent managing the shipment on your behalf.
Allocate freight, shipping, insurance, duty and other charges to your purchase ordered stock. Allow you to distribute costs by proportioning by price, weight, volume or quantity. Or by manually allocating costs item by item. Convert foreign currency purchases into local currency. Automatically retain a purchase cost history of your stock. This will allow you to compare prior transport costs with current costs. Deliver the stock and update your Stock Control system. Produce multiple supplier transactions (as necessary) during costing, for your supplier, freight forwarder, local freight company, etc. Allocate purchases, and various other expenses, to your expense code table or general ledger chart of accounts if the general ledger is being used. Optionally print stock labels. Optionally print other types of reports including stock delivery costing information. Foreign currency purchases are translated into Australian dollars automatically during costing process. Shipment Cost Adjuster, adjust costs for selected goods if or when additional expenses become apparent, even after the shipment has been costed. Shipment ETA: Changing the shipment ETA autoatically adjusts all expected arrival times for all goods linked to the shipment.

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