2. Tag the product items you want to include on the catalogue by ticking under the "T" column next to the item.

3. From the menu at the top select Toolbox|Price Catalog
4. Press the Add button.

5. Assign a description to the catalog that is useful to you, and press the Paste Tags button to insert the product items you previously ticked.
6. You will be asked to assign a discount name. Simply press OK.

7. Then press Save to save your new catalog.
8. Finally, press Close to close the Price Catalog list.
At this stage you have created a new product catalog but you did not activate it. You can go back later and active it by ticking under the "Activate" column to apply it to your customer pricing. However, if you only wanted to create the price list in order to generate a price catalog to email to your customers, there is no need to activate it.